Research-led systemic Intelligent Automation management
Intelligent Automation Systems Lab
More and more, organizations are seeking to implement digital transformations, or to create new business operations using advanced technology like big data, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI). This trend is shaping the business landscape as companies aim to adopt algorithms that enhance their business processes and efficiencies. Similarly, tech providers are striving to support this transformation.
AI has become a major player in developing a competitive edge. As a result, AI strategies are at the forefront of both private and government investments, policy-making, and strategic planning. This is demonstrated by recent measures like the establishment of new AI standards, the AI Act, and other similar regulations.
Our lab brings together a multidisciplinary team with expertise in areas that help organizations understand, manage, and utilize these technologies both at an individual and systematic level, focusing specifically on intelligent automation systems (IA systems).
Our combined knowledge in fields like technology adoption, multidisciplinary design, policy implementation, data science, natural language processing, digital transformation, logistics, and skills development enables us to produce in-depth research. Moreover, we provide extensive support to organizations undergoing IA-related changes, assisting them in both strategic deployment and technical transformation.
We collaborate with the National Robotarium, members of the HWU Interaction Lab, Scottish AI Alliance and the Data Lab, and regularly take part in AI-related events.
We have membership of the AI Standards Hub.
We are based in the Centre for Networks and Enterprise Excellence (CNEE) at Heriot-Watt University.
Come say hello!
Projects, Publications and Public Engagement
Active projects:
Impact of robotics on job displacement from an economics perspective - Lead: Dr. Cristina Tealdi
Supplier-client Knowledge gaps in IA Systems Procurement (ScotGov Interest Project) - Lead: Dr. Luciana Blaha
Previous projects:
EPSRC Summer Internships 2023
Upcoming Publications:
Chandarana, K., Blaha, L. and Brown, D. (2024) Intelligent Automation Procurement: What are we thinking about? 40th European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium, Milan, 2024.
Crawford, M., Blaha, L., Avraham, J.B., Ogbonna, J. (2023) Integrating AI in the Workplace, MIS Quarterly.
Cai, J., Blaha, L., Moonesirust, E., Frifiray, S. (2023) Emotion, Coping, and AI, MIS Quarterly.
Previous Publications:
Public Engagement:
SICSA AI Panel Discussion on "Impact of LLMs in Research and Education", 21st August 2023
Artificially Intelligent? Heriot-Watt Learning & Teaching Conference roundtable, 7th June 2023
Digit.North, 25th May 2023
Experiences and Challenges of using AI in the Workplace, Scottish AI Alliance, November 2022
Projects, Publications and Public Engagement
Active projects:
EPSRC Summer Internships 2024
Extend Robotics, Touchlabs and the National Robotarium Feasibility Study (Scottish Inward Investment Catalyst Fund)
Accelerated Knowledge Transfer with the National Robotarium (UKRI AKT) - Lead: Dr. Ingo Keller, Dr. Luciana Blaha, Project Manager: Ruth Plant, the National Robotarium
Impact of robotics on job displacement from an economics perspective - Lead: Dr. Cristina Tealdi
Supplier-client Knowledge gaps in IA Systems Procurement (ScotGov Interest Project) - Lead: Dr. Luciana Blaha in partnership with Validate AI
Previous projects:
EPSRC Summer Internships 2023
Public Engagement:
Towards Trustworthy AI From the Perspective of Tax Administrations and Taxpayers, WU Vienna, 15th May, 2024
The Age of AI - How to survive and thrive in the working world, National Robotarium, 26th March 2024
SICSA AI Panel Discussion on "Impact of LLMs in Research and Education", 21st August 2023
Artificially Intelligent? Heriot-Watt Learning & Teaching Conference roundtable, 7th June 2023
Digit.North, 25th May 2023
Experiences and Challenges of using AI in the Workplace, Scottish AI Alliance, November 2022
Supervision & internships
We are part of the yearly EPSRC Summer Vacation scheme, publicized through the Year 3 Research Methods Course. Please contact Prof. Stephen Gibson to express interest.
Collaboration Opportunities
Academic Research Collaboration
Guest speaker/workshop opportunities
Joint bid development and application
Best Practice Exchange
Industry and Public Engagement
Knowledge Exchange
Public/staff training and engagement with events
Feasibility studies and commercialization support
Technology Readiness Audits (partner service through Vyne Analytics Ltd.)
Consulting Services
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
Teaching & Practice Co-design